Thought Of The Week: 19 November 2015 – Cindy Summer
Written by Writings & Sermons by others — 19 November 2015
Reading this week’s Torah Portion about Jacob’s journey to Haran as he runs away from his brother Esau made me think back on the journeys I have taken both personally and professionally.
I began my personal journey in Durban, South Africa, but moved cities and spent time in both Cape Town and Johannesburg. Following a crossroad in my life I embarked on a huge adventure, re-locating to Taiwan for five years to take up a position at an American pre-school. Towards the end of my sojourn I was offered the headship of Alyth kindergarten.
Even before I arrived, I was ‘warned’ about Ofsted. I felt anxious and had frequent nightmares about the Ofsted inspector arriving at the Kindergarten door before we were fully prepared! I am pretty sure that I share this feeling with every other Head Teacher of every school in this country.
Jacob lays down his head on a rock and while sleeping dreamt of angels ascending and descending.
G-d told Jacob that his angels would protect him on his trip. I have my own team of angels at Alyth; my staff team. These relationships took time to grow and flourish but I have been welcomed into the Alyth Kindergarten just as Jacob was welcomed by Laban, his uncle.
As the Parasha continues we learn how Jacob wedded Leah and then Rachel, and how his family grew as he fathered many children. God blessed Jacob with his work, and his flock became bigger and bigger.
We know that God blesses us every day and, like Jacob, we are blessed at Alyth Kindergarten and will continue to grow. We look forward to teaching many communities of children.