Here are all the Kindergarten policies.  If you have any questions, please email the Kindergarten office or call 020 8457 8792.


The following policies were updated in January 2024

1 Child Protection-Safeguarding and Promoting children’s welfare
1.1 Children’s Rights and Entitlements
1.2 Safeguarding Children-Child Protection
1.2 a Staff personal safety July 21
1.2aii Use of Mobile Phones and Cameras
1.2a Online Safety
1.2aiPHOTOGRAPHS permission
1.2b Safeguarding concerns form for Alyth
1.2c Homeworking policy form for Alyth
1.2d Prevent Duty
1.2e Safeguarding – FGM
1.2f British Values
1.3 Looked after children
1.4 Confidentiality and Client Access to Records
1.5 Information Sharing
1.6 Uncollected Child
1.6a Uncollected Child Severe Weather emergency plan
1.13 Biting
1.14 Animals in the Setting.doc June 2014
1.15 Administering Medicines Policy June 2014
1.15a Medicine Record Book forms July 2013
1.15b Poorly Children
1.16 Managing Children with Allergies or Who Are Sick or Infectious.doc June 2014
1.17 Nappy Changing Policy July 2012
1.17 Promoting health and hygiene Nappy Changing Policy July 2012
1.17a Health and Hygiene Nappy changing book July 2013
1.17b Prime times Intimate care and nappy changing Feb 22 (1)
1.18 No Smoking, Alcohol or Drugs Updated June 2014
1.18 b No Smoking Updated June 2014
1.19 Food and Drink Updated June 2014
1.20 First Aid.doc June 2014
1.21 Immunisations
1.22 Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violent Policy November 2021 (1)
1.22 Oral health July 21
1.23 Animals and pets July 21
1.24 Baby and child massage July 21
1.25 Breast Feeding July 21
1.26 Children’s bathrooms changing areas
1.27 Closed circuit television July 21
1.28 Face painting and mehndi July 21
1.29 Festival (and other) decorations July 21
1.30 Oral health July 21

2 Suitable People
2.1 Employment and Staffing
2.1a Staff personal safety July 21
2.1b Threats and abuse towards staff and volunteers July 21
2.2 Induction of Staff- Volunteers and Managers
2.3 student placement
2.4 Annual Declaration and Agreement for AK Staff Outside Employment
2.5 Whistle Blowing Policy and Procedure
2.6 Capability Procedure
2.7 Jewellery and hair accessories July 21
2.8 Menopause policy

3 Suitable premises-environment-equipment Health and Safety
3.1 Health and Safety Risk Assessment
3.2 Health and Safety General Standards
3.2a Health and safety policy July 21
3.2b Health policy July 21
3.3 Health and Safety risk assessment for Alyth Kindergarten 2022
3.4 Fire safety July 21
3.4a Fire Evacuation Procedure
3.5 Fire safety risk assessment form July 21
3.6 Recording and reporting of Accidents and Incidents
3.6a Incident Record Health and Safety format
3.7 Food hygiene
3.8 Basic Kitchen Opening and Closing Checks Template
3.8a Food handling breakfast club and snack time
3.9 In vacuation emergency procedures
3.9a Invacuation Procedure
3.10 Security Emergency Evacuation Policy
3.10a Notifiable incident, non-child protection July 21
3.10b Terrorist threat attack and lock-down July 21
3.11 Control of Substances Hazardous to Health July 21
3.12 Manual handling July 21

4 Organisation
4.1 Admissions
4.2 Aceptance letter for admission
4.3 Registration Form
4.4 The Role of the Key Person in the Setting and Settling In.doc June 2011
4.4a Comforting Children policy 12 Feb 2013
4.5 Early Years Prospectus April 2017
4.6 Parental Involvement July 2012
4.6a Parental Involvement at Alyth Kindergarten 29 June 2012
4.7 Working in Partnership With Other Agencies

5 Documentation
5.1 Children’s Records
5.2 Provider Records
5.3 Retention of Records

Revised policies in relation to COVID 19

Essential Policies and Procedures for the EYFS

Safeguarding Addendum – 1st June’20
First-Aid Policy
Health and safety policy
Recording and Reporting of Accidents and Incidents (Covid 19)
Resuscitation Council UK Statement on COVID-19 in relation to CPR and Resuscitation in Paediatrics