Please click here for details of our Sukkot services and activities.

Click here for more details about our Sukkot Sleep-In.

This might be the perfect year to try to build your own sukkah. Click here for a guide on how to build a sukkah at home.



Shacharit in the Sukkah

One of the joys of Sukkot is the singing of Hallel and shaking of Lulav and Etrog. This year, to enable as many members as possible to enjoy this mitzvah, we will be running daily, in-person Shacharit services in the synagogue sukkah.
Please note that these services must be pre-booked and are subject to the weather (please check the website before leaving home).
Sunday 4 October (10:00-11:00) with Rabbi Josh – please note the later time
Monday 5 October (9:00-10:00) with Cantor Tamara
Tuesday 6 October (9:00-10:00) with Rabbi Hannah
Wednesday 7 October (9:00-10:00) with Rabbi Elliott
Thursday 8 October (9:00-10:00) with Rabbi Elliott
Friday 9 October (9:00-10:00) with Rabbi Josh

Click here
to sign up


Sukkah Drop in

Throughout the week there will be opportunities for members to come and sit in the Alyth Sukkah and to shake the Lulav and Etrog. Hosted by the Alyth clergy team.  These sessions do not need to be pre-booked but you will be asked to sign in and by doing so you agree that we can share your details with NHS track and trace if necessary. If others are in the Sukkah when you arrive, please queue as directed, respecting social distancing.
These sessions will take place even if it is raining, so please bring an umbrella.

Monday 5 October (10:30-11:30 and 17:00-18:00)
Tuesday 6 October (10:30-11:30 and 17:00-18:00)
Thursday 8 October (10:30-11:30 and 17:00-18:00)