Get Involved
We have over 40 dedicated volunteers plus many more who cook food and provide support as needed. As the Drop in evolves, we are continually clarifying volunteer roles to give a satisfying experience.
We maintain a high standard by having expectations set down in policies, holding training sessions, regular meetings and social events.
We make a difference
The Drop in team always seeks to answer the question ‘What difference is the project making?’. To answer this question
- We held an evaluation session where refugees discussed questions in small groups.
- We have individual discussions with refugees and volunteers.
- We liaise with other Drop ins.
We know that
Our refugees hugely enjoy and value the Drop in and it helps them with social isolation, loneliness and feeling connected. The evidence is clear; J who texts while she is having cancer treatment, people who keep returning, the hugs, the smiles, the laughs, the endless “Thank yous”.
Other evidence includes:
- The people who performed in the choir were excited and grew in confidence.
- Volunteers and refugees have a better understanding of different faiths and cultures leading to better tolerance and changes in attitude.
- Many refugees have not met Jews before or been in a synagogue but now have positive feelings and spread this attitude.
- Many volunteers have never had conversations with people from such a wide range of faiths, cultures and circumstances and it has deepened understanding and commitment to help.
How You Can Help
- Help at a Drop-In session
- Provide vegetarian food for a Drop-In
- Give help at outings
- Join the choir
- Fundraise
- Raise awareness of refugees