Alyth Refugee Drop In


The aim of the outings is to help our guests combat loneliness, boredom and isolation. They also educate people about culture and history. Approximately twenty people attend each time. The outings introduce people to free events in London and help increase their confidence to visit places independently. They also deepen friendship and understanding between people of different ages, cultures and faiths.

In 2019 we organised sixteen visits to different London museums and places of interest. Most museums provided a free guided tour. Museums visited this year included Museum of London, Horniman Museum and Wellcome Collection. We also received free tickets to the Royal Academy, Buckingham Palace, Westminster Abbey and St Paul’s Cathedral and attended friendship concerts at Royal Albert Hall. All attendees receive a sandwich lunch and travel expenses.

During the pandemic we have continued our outings when able. In the summer we visited the Natural History Museum and the National Gallery. People walked around in small groups or individually and really appreciated being together. In addition, we have had regular meet-ups at Golders Hill Park. In small groups people explored the flower garden and Hampstead Heath and enjoyed seeing the animals. Everyone received a hot meal and drink from the cafe and, hopefully, these outings will continue in the very near future. They provide a real lifeline to so many people who live alone and are struggling now that so many of their support organisations are closed.
