Please click on the title of the service or activity to be taken directly to Zoom,
or use the Meeting ID and Passcode.
Baby Den (10:30)
Chug-a-lug into Shabbat. Sing your favourite Baby Den songs, dance to a Shabbat beat and wave to some familiar faces. For families with young children.
There will be no Baby Den next Friday 28.
Ruach (17:15)
Our pre-Bar/Bat Mitzvah programme delivered by our wonderful team of madrichim. Participants can come from 16:30 for Drop-In and are expected to stay for the Erev Shabbat Service, finishing at 19:30.
Erev Shabbat Service (18:30)
We welcome Shabbat as a community, joining together online and in person. Led by Rabbi Elliot, Rabbi Nicola and Katie. We are delighted to be joined by the Reform Judaism Movement Workers, who will give the D’var Torah.
Click here for the Shul Sheet.
(ID: 814 6531 8254 Passcode: 785089)
Choir Rehearsal (9:15)
Rehearsing Alyth’s choral repertoire for Shabbat services.
Shabbat Morning Choral Service (10:30)
Led by Rabbi Nicola with the Alyth Choir. Including the Bat Mitzvah of Alma Katz.
Click here for the Shul Sheet.
(ID: 811 7011 0652 Passcode: 785089)
Shabbat Morning Service (10:30)
Led by Rabbi Elliott with guitar. Including the B’nei Mitzvah of Charlie Furman.
Click here for the Shul Sheet.
(ID: 897 3913 8947 Passcode: 716767)
Sunday Shacharit (9:00)
Every Alyth week begins with a member-led minyan, with bagel breakfast after. All are welcome. (ID: 864 4782 5935, Password: 785089)
Sunday Morning Galim (10:00)
Our Jewish education programme for Reception to Year 6. Click here to enrol into SMG.
SMG provides our youngest members with the opportunity to explore their Jewish identity; key Jewish behaviour and rituals and Jewish texts.
Biblical Hebrew (11:15) Online Only
Prayer Book Hebrew: studying the Hebrew and how it is translated – a programme for those with high-level Hebrew reading ability. Email if you would like to join this class so that you can be sent the link and materials in advance.
Academy of Performing Arts (18:00-20:00)
A feature of the Alyth calendar for secondary school aged children for over 20 years. The group rehearse and then perform the show on Sunday 4 May (please see Save The Date below for details).
Bringing Generations Together – BGT (13:15)
We know that the younger generation can learn from their elders, but those of more advanced years can also benefit hugely from spending time with children. Alyth Social has joined forces with Alyth Kindergarten to bring the generations together to have fun and learn together. This Month: Spring
The Alyth Social (14:00)
This week: Rick Blaskey – The Return – record company legend, songwriter, producer and founder of The Music & Media Partnership (TMMP), Rick makes a return visit to play us more music that he has been involved with and give us more fascinating insights and anecdotes from the music industry.
Join us for an afternoon of entertainment, discussion, tea and great company! Contact Lynette for more information. All are welcome.
Monday Club ( (19:00-20:30)
A friendly in-person meeting place for people with learning and other disabilities. For more information or to let us know you will be attending, please email
We Need To Talk About ….. Progressive Judaism (19:30)
We Need To Talk About … is a series of evenings where we come together to discuss issues facing our community with experts in the field. Since March 2023, the Movement for Reform Judaism and Liberal Judaism have been moving towards combining and formation of a new movement: Progressive Judaism. The combination is now close to being a reality and the movements will soon be turning to their members (the communities that make up the movements) to vote on this integration. This evening will be an opportunity to learn about Alyth’s place in the history of Progressive Judaism and to ask questions of our Rabbis and members of our community who are involved in the process at Reform Judaism. We are delighted to be joined by Rabbi Rebecca Birk, Rabbi of Finchley Progressive Synagogue, who will provide an insight into how her Liberal community is approaching this change.
There will be an opportunity to speak with our Alyth Trustees about the combination before we move forward as a community. This event will take place on Monday 28 April – more details to follow in Around Alyth. As always, our clergy and professional team and Alyth trustees are available to talk to you about any questions or concerns you may have. Please be in touch.
(ID: 827 2989 8872 Passcode: 039228)
Alyth Choral Society (19:30)
We have two or three concerts a year, one with full orchestra. New members always welcome. Click here or email if our future programme inspires you.
Judaism: the Essentials (20:00)
Our regular introduction to Judaism class taught by our clergy. New students are always welcome. Please contact Rabbi Elliott for more information.
This week: Prayer 2: Key Prayers
Mellow Chair Yoga for All Ages (11:00)
Our weekly classes resume in person, continuing online for those who are unable to come to Alyth. Email Maxine for more information at
Music On A Spring Afternoon (12:30)
Join us for a cup of soup followed by a concert given by The Tanya Perez Trio. The Trio comprises of pianist, Cristoforo Beretti and violinists, Tanya Perez-Jovetic and Jessica Hendry. They will be performing Godard’s Six Duets, Op.18. Please join us to hear what will be a most fantastic concert.
Neurobics Brain & Body Fitness (13:30)
This is a new course of Neurobics Brain & Body Fitness. Participants in the previous course have the following to say: “Use it or lose it” – Steve’s course is a great way to find new ways to use it and to laugh while learning.” “An interesting way to relieve stress from yourself and help your memory.” “Steve Wax has helped me through his course to think differently and help me with the way I think.” “Overall an enjoyable course.”
A preventative and rehabilitative treatment programme which invites people to “Challenge the Body, Stimulate the Brain & Lift the Heart.” Brain and body fitness has become a vital element for lifelong well-being and Neurobics can help manage, postpone or eliminate cognitive decline as well as support those recovering from brain injury. Simple brain-fitness exercises, alongside being more mindful of various lifestyle habits, are an essential way to slow down cognitive decline, improve brain fitness and harness the power of the brain’s ability to change. To sign up for Neurobics, please click here.
Biblical Hebrew (18:00) Online Only
Biblical Hebrew: Studying the Weekly Parashah – a programme for those with high level Hebrew reading ability. Email if you would like to join this class so that you can be sent the link and materials in advance.
All Else Is Commentary (13:00)
No Pardes, but an opportunity to hear the podcast, All Else Is Commentary being recorded, as Rabbi Elliott chats with the author Toby Lloyd about Philip Roth’s short story, The Ghost Writer. Please click here to register and to receive the zoom link.
Alyth Children’s Theatre (17:00)
Our drama group for primary school aged children.
Erev Shabbat Service (18:30)
We welcome Shabbat as a community, joining together online and in person. Led by Rabbi Josh Levy.
(ID: 892 7116 7329 Passcode: 785089)
Shabbat Morning Service (10:30)
Led by Rabbi Daniel Lichman and Katie.
(ID: 828 1256 3058 Passcode: 785089)
Last Chance To Sign Up – Alyth’s Weekend Away (Friday 28 – Sunday 30 March)
Our fabulous weekend away where you will get the chance to learn, pray and be with us is next weekend.
Whilst we have more people signed up than previous years, there are still some bedrooms available. Please contact Sam at if you would like to make a last minute booking.
The Alyth Ramblers – Stonor Park (Monday 21 April 10:00 – 16:00)
Do you enjoy walking? Do you enjoy walking with others? Please join The Alyth Ramblers for a walk through the Chiltern Hills and surrounding valleys and the grand Stonor Country House Park. This ramble is seven and a half miles over sometimes hilly terrain. Please bring a packed lunch and walking sticks. To book, please email:
Yom Hashoa Commemorative Concert & Service – Wednesday 23 April (19:15)
Please join us for a special commemorative Holocaust Day concert featuring Alyth choirs and soloists. Following the hour-long concert, there will be a brief interval and then we will come together for our Yom Hashoa Service.
Year 7 & 8 Secret Cinema – Saturday 26 April (17:00)
A highlight of the Youth and Education calendar. For all those in year 7 and 8, join us for a cinema evening with dinner, snacks, fun and friends.
Contact for more information or click here to sign up.
May Day Trip to Waddesdon Manor (Thursday 1 May 9:30)
A must-do date for your diary, this May Day. Please join us for a trip to Waddesdon Manor, including the chance to see the new exhibition ‘Discovering Jewish Country Houses: Photographs by Helene Binet’. Travel by coach from Alyth leaving at 9:30 for a visit to this beautiful house owned by the Rothschild family and view the exhibition. We will return to Alyth at approx. 17:30. Cost: £50 per person to include transport and entrance. Costs for National Trust Members: Free Entry; Transport cost £25 per person. Lunch not included. For more information and to register your interest, please email or call her on 020 8457 8793.
Alyth Academy Of Performing Arts Presents …. – Sunday 4 May (14:30 & 18:00)
Please come and support our incredible cast of talented teenagers performing this years Academy show, Bugsy Malone. There are two shows on Sunday 4 May at 14:30 and 18:00 Tickets can be bought in advance by clicking here , on the door or from Come and enjoy the show and our Beit Tefillah 1920s speakeasy!
If you are interested in joining the Academy cast of 2026’s production, please email
Click here for guidelines on how to use Zoom effectively, and click here to read our guide to using Zoom for services. For services, if you do not wish to use Zoom, then the “Zoom screen” can be seen via our YouTube channel. This can be accessed by going to
To connect by phone, please dial 020 3481 5240, 020 3901 7895, 020 3051 2874 or 020 3481 5237 and enter the Meeting ID and Passcode.