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AYS in Israel
The Alyth Youth Singers recently enjoyed a week long tour of Israel, visiting Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, Haifa, Ra’anana and the Judaean Desert. They performed concerts at The Hebrew Union College, Leo Baeck School, Protea Bahar Retirement Village, Bait Samueli Synagogue and the Ruth Daniel Hotel. They took part in wonderful musical workshops with students at The Leo Baeck Youth […]
Viv’s Retirement Reception
Over 400 people attended the retirement party for Viv Bellos MBE who has been Director of Music at Alyth for 35 years. Guests were entertained by 5 choirs, all run by Viv, which included over 100 people aged 5-85. A presentation was given charting Viv’s 35 years at Alyth. One highlight was the performance by […]
Reform Judaism Shabbat at Alyth
Alyth Synagogue joined the special Shabbat celebrated by the Jewish community on 23rd and 24th October 2015 through participating in Reform Judaism Shabbat. Children and adults came together on Thursday 22nd October in the Synagogue community kitchen to bake their own Challah from scratch. Beginning with preparing the yeast and going all the way to […]
Archbishop gives sermon from the Bimah
Archbishop Kevin McDonald addressed Alyth synagogue and St Edward the Confessor communities (and guests) as Alyth hosted a 50th Anniversary celebration service on Sunday 25 October for the declaration of Nosta Aetate – concerning the relation of the Church with non-Christian religions. Both Rabbi Maurice Michaels and Father Tony Convery led the service which celebrated […]
Reform Jusaism Shabbat
How can we make Shabbat special at home? Our Movement for Reform Judaism has provided a number of resources to download and print which help you observe Shabbat and enjoy it! The whole set can be found here: Click here for a copy of the Reform Judaism Shabbat guide for how to enjoy Shabbat at […]
Are #Apologies enough?
“No, in general, it’s not sufficient or meaningful,” was the overall conclusion of a packed Alyth Synagogue youth session on Yom Kippur. The group grappled with issues surrounding the use of social media for atonement such as whether it diminishes the act of repentance. A quick poll of over forty youths ranging from aged […]
Dame Tessa Jowell welcomed at Alyth
Dame Tessa Jowell joined congregants at Alyth for tea and scones and attended our Kabbalat Shabbat service. As one of the Labour candidates striving to be the next mayor of London, Dame Tessa spent the early part of the evening chatting to RSY-Netzer madrichim (pictured) who had been running their joint day camp at Alyth […]
Shirei Chaggigah
Shirei Chaggigah, the MRJ music conference, has helped me to remember what I love most about being a Reform Jew – Community united together in its diversity and acceptance of each other, prayer enhanced by music and deep connections, made with friends old and new, through shared principles and ideas. This was the first music […]
Reform rabbis balance tradition and welcome
Click here to read a letter from the Movement for Reform Judaism with regards to how our movement is creating new opportunities for people with one Jewish parent. The process being proposed is that where someone with only one Jewish parent approaches our community, our proposed process would involve the following steps. The first stage […]