Articles of Association

Please click here for the our Articles of Association.

Please email for a copy of our Rules

General Meeting of Congregants to Approve Subscriptions
Thursday 18 July 2024, 19:30
We are delighted to invite you to the General Meeting of Congregants to Approve Subscriptions on Thursday 18 July 2024.
The purpose of the general meeting is for congregants to approve the levels of subscriptions for the coming year as proposed by the Trustees.

Click here for the calling notice and Agenda
Click here for the Minutes of the General Meeting of Congregants held on 17 July 2023. (available from 12 July)



Annual Meeting of Congregants
Monday 5 February 2024, 19:30
The Annual Meeting of Congregants of Alyth, will take place on Monday 5 February 2024 at 19:30.

Click here for the Agenda and Explanatory Notes
Click here for the Trustees Report and here for the Financial Statements September 2022 – August 2023
Click here for the profiles of the Trustees, President and Vice President standing for election
Click here for the Minutes of the AMC held on 30 January 2023