Please note that this page is updated for the week ahead on a Thursday afternoon. Materials for Shabbat are available from 17:00 on Friday afternoon.


Please click on the title of the service or activity to be taken directly to Zoom,
or use the Meeting ID and Passcode.



Baby Den (10:30)
Chug-a-lug into Shabbat. Sing your favourite Baby Den songs, dance to a Shabbat beat and wave to some familiar faces. For families with young children.

Monthly JMM (17:00) online only
Welcome in Shabbat with us in a peaceful and reflective environment. Free of charge. All welcome. (ID: 977 611 369 Passcode: 035091)

Ruach (17:15)
Our pre-Bar/Bat Mitzvah programme delivered by our wonderful team of madrichim. Participants can come from 16:30 for Drop-In and are expected to stay for the Erev Shabbat Service, finishing at 19:30.
This week includes the first session for the new Ruach 1 cohort and  their parents.

Erev Shabbat Service (18:30)
We welcome Shabbat as a community, joining together online and in person. Led by Rabbi Hannah, Rabbi Elliott and Katie.

Click here for the Shabbat Supplement

(ID: 814 6531 8254 Passcode: 785089)



Shabbat Morning Choral Service (10:30)
Led by Rabbi Elliott with the Alyth choir. Including the Bar Mitzvah of Jesse Lexton.

Click here for the Shabbat Supplement

(ID: 811 7011 0652 Passcode: 785089)

Kollot (10:30) 
Our informal, unaccompanied, participatory minyan. Led by Rabbi Hannah with members of the community reading and teaching Torah.

(ID: 844 9578 8647 Passcode: 795559)

Shabbat B’Yachad Lunch (12:30)
As part of the Alyth Friendship Project, a special lunch after the shabbat service. For catering purposes, please let Lynette know you are coming at or 020 8457 8793.
There is no charge for this, but donations are always appreciated.

Sensory Havdalah (16:00)
Havdalah is one of our most sensory experiences. We see the flickering candle flame, smell the sweet spices and taste the wine. Join Rabbi Hannah and the dungareenees, for this special Sensory Havdalah experience where our youngest members can wave goodbye to Shabbat and prepare to start the week anew. Feel free to wear your PJs or onesies!



Sunday Shacharit (9:00) 
Every Alyth week begins with a member-led minyan, with bagel breakfast after. All are welcome. (ID: 864 4782 5935, Password: 785089)

Sunday Morning Galim (10:00)
Our Jewish education programme for Reception to Year 6. Click here to enrol into SMG.
SMG provides our youngest members with the opportunity to explore their Jewish identity; key Jewish behaviour and rituals and Jewish texts.

Biblical Hebrew (11:15) Online Only
Prayer Book Hebrew: studying the Hebrew and how it is translated – a programme for those with high-level Hebrew reading ability.  Email if you would like to join this class so that you can be sent the link and materials in advance.

Rainbow Lunch (13:00)
A lunch for LGBTQ+ refugees and asylum seekers, where they are offered food, friendship and a safe place to be themselves.

Refugee Choir (13:30-14:30)
This multi-faith, multicultural choir is open to refugees, drop-in volunteers and the wider Alyth community.

Singing For Pleasure (15:30 – 16:30)
Join Viv and sing songs from the shows, Israeli folksongs, songs from the 60s and more.  No need to audition, read music or feel intimidated.

Academy of Performing Arts (18:00-20:00)
A feature of the Alyth calendar for secondary school aged children for over 20 years. The group rehearse and then perform the show in May.



The Alyth Social (14:00)
This week: Roksana Dabkowska
Roksana, a pianist from the Guildhall School of Music & Drama will play popular works by famous composers.

Join us for an afternoon of entertainment, discussion, tea and great company! Contact Lynette for more information. All are welcome.

Monday Club (19:00-20:30)
A friendly in-person meeting place for people with learning and other disabilities.  For more information or to let us know you will be attending, please email



Hadracha: Year 9 (17:00)
Our new Year 9 group comes together for our weekly leadership programme. Please click here to sign up.

Hebrew Reading Courses (19:00 & 20:00)
19:00 – For beginners to learn the aleph-bet and basic decoding skills.
20:00 – For those already proficient in Hebrew reading, to continue to develop their skills.
Taught by Alyth member, Jan Roseman. For further information, please contact:

Alyth Choral Society (19:30)
New members are always welcome to join the choir. We have two or three concerts a year, one with full orchestra. Click here or email if our future programme inspires you.

Judaism – The Essentials (20:00) 
Our regular introduction to Judaism class taught by our clergy. Essentials is the perfect class for those coming to Judaism for the first time, or looking to consolidate the learning of a lifetime – or anywhere in between. New students are always welcome.
Please contact Rabbi Elliott: for more information.



Mellow Chair Yoga for All Ages (11:00)
Our weekly classes resume in person, continuing online for those who are unable to come to Alyth. Email Maxine for more information at

Bereavement Café(14:00)
Have you recently been bereaved? Come and meet others in a similar situation to talk, chat and make new friendships.  Facilitated by Lynette with guest speakers. Part of our new Well Being Wednesdays programme.

Biblical Hebrew (18:00) Online Only
Biblical Hebrew: Studying the Weekly Parashah – a programme for those with high level Hebrew reading ability.  Email if you would like to join this class so that you can be sent the link and materials in advance.



Pardes (13:00)
Hope Amidst Catastrophe – Messianic Texts from the Talmud – In the face of catastrophe, one of the ways our tradition responds with hope is within the complicated and esoteric realm of messianic (future-transformation) thinking. This series will look at some significant disputes between the rabbis about the nature of the ‘messianic’ and by connecting them to twentieth century Jewish theology, explore how they can offer comfort, or even guidance, in our own moment. Taught by Rabbi Daniel Lichman. (ID: 316 316 6763 Passcode: 311220)

Alyth Children’s Theatre – ACT (17:00)
Our drama group for primary school aged children. The group rehearse all year and then perform the show in the summer.

Chavruta (19:00)
Chavruta is a classical form of Jewish study, in which two people grapple with a text together –  The Talmud declares, “Two students learning together sharpen one another”. Tackling a famous section of the Babylonian Talmud – a section which begins with a discussion of workers’ rights and then recounts a number of rabbinic legends, including the famous story of the chavruta partnership between Rabbi Yochanan and Reish Lakish. We will be delving into the Talmudic text and looking at commentaries to help us make sense of it.
If you were involved in the previous course and you want to continue, please email Rabbi Elliott ( If you are new to the Alyth Chavruta Project, please join us by clicking here. You can join with a study partner already in mind, or we can find you one!



Baby Den (10:30)
Chug-a-lug into Shabbat. Sing your favourite Baby Den songs, dance to a Shabbat beat and wave to some familiar faces. For families with young children.

Ruach Erev Shabbat (17:15)
Our pre Bar/Bat Mitzvah programme. Participants can come from 16:30 for Drop-In and are expected to stay for the Erev Shabbat Service, finishing at 19:30.

Erev Shabbat Service (18:30)
We welcome Shabbat as a community, joining together online and in person. Led by Rabbi Hannah, Rabbi Elliott.

(ID: 892 7116 7329 Passcode: 785089)



Shabbat Morning Choral Service (10:30)
Led by Rabbi Hannah with Rabbi Nicola and the Alyth choir. Including the Bat Mitzvah of Hannah Cushnir.

(ID: 828 1256 3058 Passcode: 785089)

Shabbat Morning Service (10:30) 
Led by Rabbi Elliott, including the Bar Mitzvah of Rafael Bayfield.

(ID: 842 5330 5340 Passcode: 369875)

Gesher (11:00)
Our musical service providing a bridge between our youngest family services and the next stage in Alyth families’ prayer life.



We Need To Talk About… Israel – Monday 20 January (19:30 – 21:30)
We Need To Talk About …. is a new series of evenings where we come together to discuss issues facing our community with experts in the field.
First up is Israel In Our Liturgy – over the years the prayer for the State of Israel has developed and today feels more important than ever. Since 7 October, Alyth’s response through our liturgy has been dynamic, changing to the moment in which we find ourselves. 18 months on, we now need to reflect as a community on what the prayer should be saying at this time. What are our hopes? Our fears? What do we want to express through our prayer? How do we talk about it as a community in a way which is constructive and which honours the voices of all? We will be joined by Rabbi Galit Cohen-Kedem online from Israel for this important discussion.

Neurobics Brain & Body Fitness – Every Wednesday, starting 22 January for six weeks (11:00 – 12:30)
A preventative and rehabilitative treatment programme which invites people to “Challenge the Body, Stimulate the Brain & Lift the Heart.”  Brain and body fitness has become a vital element for lifelong well-being and Neurobics can help manage, postpone or eliminate cognitive decline as well as support those recovering from brain injury. Every day your brain forms new neural connections, provided you give it what it needs. We all know the old saying, ‘use it or lose it!’ Your brain’s ability to change and grow is called neuroplasticity. It has been proven that the brain is like “plastic” – it can physically remodel itself.
Led by Neurobics Founder, Steve Wax. £12 per session.  To sign up for Neurobics, please click here.

Social Café – Every Other Wednesday, starting 22 January (14:00 – 15:30)
Come and meet others in the Alyth Community, over a cuppa for a chat about what’s going on in the world and anything else that takes your fancy!  All are welcome to join for an afternoon of meeting others and enjoyable discussion which may lead to new friendships and other group activities at Alyth.  To sign up, please email or call her on 020 8457 8793.

Alyth Winter Concert – Sunday 19 January (16:00 – 18:00)
Join us for a fun filled concert with Singing for Pleasure, the Synagogue Choir, the newly-formed SMG Choir and the Alyth Choral Society. Featuring guest vocals from the Alyth professional team.  Light refreshments will be served. Please bring some non-perishable food for All Saints Childs’ Hill Food Bank.

Holocaust Memorial Week Event – Tuesday 28 January (19:00)
As part of Alyth’s Holocaust Memorial Week events, Leslie Michaels and Dr Toby Simpson, Director of The Wiener Holocaust Library, will be speaking about the life of Margrit Hochschild Stern (1921 – 1998), who came to Britain as an unaccompanied child refugee, as well as that of Jews in Germany before the Second World War. Leslie has written a book about Margrit and her family, which will be available against a donation to The Wiener Holocaust Library. For security and planning purposes, please click here to register.

Tu B’Shvat Supper Quiz – Sunday 9 February (18:45)
Back by popular demand, the Alyth Supper Quiz is a fun evening with old and new friends and a delicious supper to feed your brain cells. Either make up your own table of 10 or we can allocate you a table. Cost is £30 a ticket. To buy your tickets, please click here or for more information, please call Deborah on 020 8457 8784.
We are also looking for donations of high quality, exceptional raffle prizes and volunteers to help on the team. Please contact Sarah on 020 8457 8787 or


Alyth’s Weekend Away (Friday 28 – Sunday 30 March 2025)

The Alyth Weekend Away is back, bigger and better than ever before. Offering something for everyone, there will be a variety of indoor and outdoor activities to choose from or just read a newspaper and enjoy the spectacular view. Click here for the flyer.

Alongside shared community times, there will be a different tracks for you to dip in and out of, depending on what sparks your interest. They are:
Movement & Meditation
Our Youth & Education team will also run a full programme for children during the day and in the evenings.
Booking details to come away with us are:

Adults – £290/pp
Children (aged 6-16) – £85/pp
Family of 4 – £665

Prices will increase on 10 January.

Click here to sign up.

(The Clergy Jewish Participation Fund  is available to enable all Alyth members to participate in Jewish activities where cost is a challenge, whatever the reason. To access the Fund, please email


Click here for guidelines on how to use Zoom effectively, and click here to read our guide to using Zoom for services. For services, if you do not wish to use Zoom, then the “Zoom screen” can be seen via our YouTube channel. This can be accessed by going to

To connect by phone, please dial 020 3481 5240, 020 3901 7895, 020 3051 2874 or 020 3481 5237 and enter the Meeting ID and Passcode.
